The annual Right to Life Banquet will be held on Thursday, April 25, 2019 at The Old National Events Plaza in downtown Evansville, IN. Doors open at 5 p.m. and dinner will be served at 6:00 p.m. A Private Reception featuring Dinesh D’Souza is being held for donors. Corporate sponsors are invited to attend a VIP Reception and photo opportunity prior to dinner. The banquet, Right to Life of Southwest Indiana’s signature fundraiser will feature Dinesh D’Souza as keynote speaker.
Mike Fichter, President & CEO of Indiana Right to Life will present information on a post Roe v. Wade Indiana. Johnny Kincaid is the mc for the evening and musical entertainment will be provided by soloists, Jordan Duncan and Sabrina Newton. Among the special guests attending will be Danielle D’Souza, daughter of Dinesh, as well as U.S. Congressman Larry Bucshon, M.D.
The Right to Life Banquet started with approximately 100 people attending in the late 1980’s and has grown to become the largest pro-life banquet in the country. It is known nationwide for being a pacesetting event in the pro-life community. The 2019 Banquet is SOLD OUT.
According to Executive Director Mary Ellen Van Dyke, “There is a renewed commitment to the protection of unborn babies and the sanctity of all human life in southwest Indiana and across the USA. The majority of Hoosiers as well as those of Americans believe that the rights of all people begin in the womb.”
A news breaking announcement will be made at the conclusion of the 2019 banquet.
For more information on the Right to Life Banquet, please call 474-3195. All seats are reserved and no tickets will be sold at the event.
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